this page we have put a selection
of Downloads which we hope you will
find of value...
Some Winter Reading...
Motorcycle Monthly -
The online version
of the UKs Biggest free monthly
motorcycle Newspaper
read it here
The online free
get your copy here
A guide to precise and
efficient machine control.
The book is unique. It is a gift
from motorcycle riders to
motorcycle riders. Motorcycle
riding is first of all about the
joy of life. The feeling of being
on the road. Meet friends. Enjoy
the man-machine togetherness on
twisty roads. Feeling the power of
acceleration, the thrill of leaning
into a bend. Or the calm,
p u l s a t i n g sensation of
freedom on your way towards unknown
Every spring we swarm out on the
roads as soon as the bad weather is
gone. Eager to enjoy a new riding
season. More than 99% of us return
happily home from adventure. But
not all. For motorcycle riding is a
demanding sport. Rider error can
result in serious injury. An
accident could have been avoided if
only small things had been done
differently. Indeed, research shows
that many a rider ditches in
situations where the bike itself
could have carried him safely
through. But often the rider
disturbs the bike by inadequate
Faced with danger, a human being
reacts instinctively. A lightning
quick reaction intended to avoid
injury. Action that happens before
we have time to think. Riding a
bike, these instinctive reactions
paradoxically increases danger. For
example by “freezing” or target
fixation. Fortunately correct
responses can be trained in, so
that you can override the instincts
and act correctly the next time you
run into a threatening situation.
This book intends to help you
with just that. It focuses an
effective and precise riding
technique, helps you understand the
essential physics of the motorcycle
and offers you a series of very
concrete exercises that you can
work on every time you are out
riding. Through systematic
practising you can learn to
override the dangerous instincts
and let the bike do what it is best
at. It is reasonable to believe
that many of the accidents that
happen during the riding season are
directly caused by the rider’s own
instinctive actions. Conscious
effort to learn precise riding
techniques, and thus beat instinct,
will inevitably lead to increased
joy and less trouble.
Download Full Control . zip here
Motorcycle Training Manual.
Everything you need to
know about motorcycles.
This is the "Too Cool Motorcycle
Training School" training manual,
well worth a browse through.
Download the manual direct from
the Too Cool Motorcycle Site here
Motorcycle Tyres
TyreSafe - Tyres are the
only parts of the motorcycle which
are in contact with the road.
Safety in acceleration, braking,
steering and cornering all depend
on a relatively small area of road
contact. It is therefore of
paramount importance that tyres
should be maintained in good
condition at all times and that
when the time comes to change them
the correct replacements.
A useful motorcycle electric
faultfinding chart can be found
DDay Waypoints for Northern France
Includes a reference sheet
Planning a trip in Northern
France and would like a
comprehensive list of waypoints for
many of the memorials and points of
interest? then download this zip
file which contains the waypoints
and a word document outlining the
relevance of the waypoints and
their history.
Download here <--